Create Her Podcast
Welcome to Create Her Podcast! A creative/safe space for you to live your truth OUT LOUD. The name of the game is to source your true and genuine self from within. No more hiding behind your fears, social conditioning, or judgement. There are many wonderful guests on this podcast that will act as a guide in your journey to your authentic self. Real people like you and me that may just be a little further down their path. If you think your journey is complete, trust me, think again. This podcast will give you access to those people and their ideas on how to gain self trust and clarity. Take that inspiration and act in your own life by listening and starting within. We’ll discuss everything from creativity to spirituality. Connection to self love. Wellness. The list goes on and on. How many places in the world do you get to be unapologetically yourself? Well, maybe this space/community is a first for you. I’m all about popping cherries. Jokes, only jokes :) My biggest question for each guest including you is… What creates you? Let’s find out. So hit that subscribe button and follow along. I can’t wait to make some magic with you!
Create Her Podcast
Fear & how it screws us.
Lauralee Browne
Season 1
Episode 7
Lauralee shares the intimate details of how fear has held her back. She discusses how fear "keeps us safe" but also squanders our divine magic. The process of letting go of fears and that it is & can be as simple as CHOOSING TO STOP BEING AFRAID.
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